Registration Instructions

How to register for Arisia

Thank you for your interest in Arisia! Please feel free to follow the prompts provided by the site, but just in case, this guide will help you register for this coming Arisia.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your first and last name. If you like, you may also search by badge name, but we must have your first and last name.
  3. If you have multiple results, not to worry. Select the person that reflects the badge name you had at the last Arisia you attended.

    If you have not been to Arisia before, please click on the bottom button that says "Create a new account for (your name)". Skip to step 5.
  4. If you used this system last year, your security question should have remained the same. If you do not recall that question, click the link at the bottom of the page and the button on the page following to have your security question reset. You will receive an email with a link that will reset your security question, and then another email with a word that will function as the answer to your security question.

    Click on the logo at the top of the screen (or use the Back button to go back to the beginning), and re-enter your name. Follow steps 2 and 3 again. When you reach the security question, enter the word it gave you into the box and click "Continue".
  5. Here you may change your security question and answer if you have already set one, or set your new question and answer if you have not. Choose questions and answers that adhere to the guidelines outlined on the page. Click "Continue".
  6. Now you may change your first name and fan name if you so wish. Click "Continue". (If you need to change your last name, contact @email. after you complete your registration.)
  7. Please take the time to read Arisia's Code of Conduct. When you reach the end of the page, please check the checkbox and click the button signifying that you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.
  8. On this page we request your contact information. We require one email address, one physical address, and one phone number.
  9. Please select the type of registration that applies to the member being registered: Adult, Student (ages 13-25 with student ID), Fast Track (ages 7-12), Turtle Track (ages 2-6), or Kid-In-Tow (KIT).
  10. Here you may add other information, such as your company name if you are a vendor, how you would prefer we contact you, and if it is okay to share your contact information with other SF cons. Click "Continue".
  11. Select how you would like your name to appear on your badge.
  12. Congratulations! You're nearly done. All we need from you now is payment. You can pay either digitally through Paypal or using a check or money order. If you select "Check or Money Order", you will be directed to a form that you can print out, fill in, and mail to Arisia using the address printed on the form. If you select "Paypal", you will be sent to a link where you can press "Continue to Paypal".
  13. If you are registering more than one person, you will have to register them individually, following steps 1-12 as outlined above. You can reach the page for Step 1 either by clicking the logo at the top of the screen, or by using your back button and reloading the page.

Thank you for registering and we hope to see you at Arisia! If you have any questions, please feel free to email @email.